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Friday, August 24, 2007

What should I use in my Resume

When you quit your job or in the process of quitting you will need that killer resume in order to get the job you want and to quit the job you have. Your resume should have your name and address and make sure you put a landline phone number on your resume. Most people put a cell phone instead because they want to get in touch with any place they go. The enthusiasm is good the reception in some places is bad and what if a potential new employer calls and you are in a place where reception isn't great. There is nothing more annoying to the caller than the receiver saying I can't hear you. It may make the employer change their minds. Always give a landline phone number.

The next thing that you should have on your resume is the last 4 jobs you have had. Do not list more than that. The reason being is that if you had more than 4 in the past year or so the employer may not hire you because you have had too many jobs, they really aren't interested in what job you had 5 or more years ago. With that thought in mind, make sure you keep you resume limited to one page.

Potential employers do not want to read a two page resume. Chances are if you have something on the second page and it is interesting the potential employer will not read it because most employers will not read a two page resume. They really only scan the resume anyway so make sure what they read is interesting and to the point. Only put in pertinent information, if one of your jib functions at your last jib was to make coffee, don't put that in.

Only put in relevant jib function that pertains to your day to day functions. Do not lie on your resume, do not embellish any skill, because if you put something on there and you really can't do it and the employer hires you based on that skill then chances are you are going to get fired and you have to start over again.

Never have the attitude that I don't have to know this because they will train me anyway. While it may be true, they expect you to have a basic knowledge of the task.