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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

What is a good reason to quit a job?

There is a large majority of people who want to quit their jobs for the sake of quitting. But before you quit, you should have a great reason. Here is a list of good reasons and bad reason why you should quit.

The good reasons are:

You found another job. That is a legitimate reason as to why you should quit your job. You should never quit a job without having a back up, unless you are well off and have a bank account that you can rely on when you have no income. Having a job before you quit comes highly recommended.

You want to start your own business. Starting your own business can be stressful but what better way to start your own business is to quit your day job to work on your new business. It can be a fun and exciting time.

A good reason to quit would be because you are not getting the money that you deserve. If you have not received a raise or a bonus and you work your butt off and the recognition is not there then it is time to move on.

Another great reason to quit would be if you are feel that you have given everything that you can. If there is no room for advancement in the company then you may want a find another company who is willing to reward an employee for their hard work.

If you are dreading every morning because you have to go to work and you get physically sick because you are so stressed out. It is time to find a new job. A lot of times, employees get tired and stressed out even at the thought of going to work. Then it is time to find a new job.

The bad reasons:

You should not quit a job without having another to replace it.
You should not quit your job because you want a long vacation.
You should not quit if you don't get a day off that you want
You should not quit just to quit. Younger employees tend to do this. The new hires from college get hired in the summer and because it is also their summer off from college, take a job because they need the money but once the hot days of summer hits and the sun is shining. They would rather go to the beach.

There are some great reasons to quit to a job and so many wrong ones. But if you want to get anywhere in life then you have to be an adult and do the right thing no matter who much you may not want to. Be responsible and you may get rewarded for it. Employees who just quit for the sake of quitting may find it harder and harder to find a job.

100 percent of employers will ask why you left your last job. You could be honest and that may not get you anywhere or you can lie and it still may not get your anyplace. Simply do the right thing.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Incompetency of your boss

Thinking of reasons why you're quitting your job, one of them would be incompetent boss. You have lots of ideas and know exactly what to do for the next project. You know how to improve the current work process, and the most efficient way of handling issues that is happening everyday. But there is one stumping stone in front of you. The Boss who is a man of no ability or positive thinking. He or she always demands what has been done in the past, and asks you to follow the same path. Why? Because either one is not wanting to take any risk which might be returned to one's responsibility or he/she just doesn't have ability to handle it.

Innovation comes out of creative minds and work environment. Improvement can be made only one is willing to take the positive attitude and go-forward mind, not just sitting back and watching the same result. From the corporate's viewpoint, this indicates that someone is not doing one's job correctly. Manager or supervisor is the one who needs to have most broad knowledge along with work experience and right mindset in order to lead the team and organization.

If you feel like your innovative ideas or creative improvement suggestion is always rejected, ignored and discouraged by your boss, it might be an amber signal where you would need to consider either deal with the boss, or now it's time to quit it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tips to Quit a Job

There is a right way and a wrong way to quit a job. Not only can it affect a great recommendation but it can also affect future employment. Here is a list of Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to quitting a job.


- Don’t go to lunch and never come back
- Don’t start messing up your job in hopes of getting fired rather than quitting. Believe it or not there are a lot of people who do that. They try to mess up their job so much that they get fired and they try to claim unemployment.
- Don’t back mouth other employees in the hopes that it will get back to your boss. Employees try to do that as reason for quitting, they say they are having problems with other coworkers. But you can hurt your chances of getting a recommendation. Your boss can easily say that you don’t get along with others.


- Talk to your boss about the possibility of you leaving. Depending on what your job is, they may need you to stay around until they find someone. Some places offer a bonus if you do that.
- Do give a two-week notice or a letter or resignation. In a two-week notice, you are stating that at the end of the two weeks you will be leaving. With a resignation you can offer that a month before you quit, so it gives your employer time to find someone else.
- Do leave on good terms. More often than you think, employees leave a job, only to come back 6 months or a year from the time they left.

The purpose of quitting a job properly is to get that recommendation or possibly get any benefits that you are entitled to. Just getting up and leaving on lunch or at the end of the day is not very professional no matter what the job is. In the world of employment, you want to be the type of employee who gets along with others, who shows up everyday on time and someone who can get the job done.

If you want to be successful and have your own office then how you quit a job can have a lot to do with that. You may not think so but it does. Maybe not so much if you work is a fast food restaurant but when you work in an office it holds more truth than not. Retail or fast food places go though so many employees that they will never have any trouble trying to get help. Believe it or not places like McDonalds or Burger King has great benefits and they promote within.

If you don’t like your job and you want to quit is fine. There is no law that says you have to stay somewhere you don’t want to be. But simply do it so you can benefit from a great recommendation. Don’t burn bridges in your life; you never know when you will have to cross it again.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

How Can I make Quitting Easier?

You may find it hard to stop smoking but the government is doing everything in their power to help you cut down. With all these new laws about not smoking in restaurants and at your place of employment, places to smoke are becoming scarce. But ultimately it is up to you to quit. Nicotine is very addicting and it is said to be harder to quit than cocaine. But it can be done; the main tool you need here is the will to quit. If you are saying that you want to quit just for the sake of saying it, you will never do it. But the old saying goes, where there is a will there is a way.
First, you want to set a goal for yourself. There are a lot of people who say I want to quit smoking by June 1st. Do you know what happens when June 1st comes around and you have not quit? You will end up smoking more because you are now discouraged. Take it one day at a time, give yourself a month and everyday, take one less cigarette out of the box and throw it away, it will be one less that you smoke that day.

Then you want to figure out what times of the day you smoke and why. For example, if you write down at 10:30 I have a cigarette and it is when I go outside with my coworkers. Now, you have a starting point to change that. Most people who go outside at smoke breaks do it to socialize. Even though it is a great time to get out of the office for 15 minutes, try staying at your desk and work. By cutting out or changing up your routine, you will start to see your craving for a smoke decrease.

Many people, who attempt to quit, are not successful. This is because they do not take the right steps in order to change. Another prime example is, people say they smoke when they drink coffee. Switch from coffee to tea, not only is tea better for you but it will also relax you where you don't have the anxiety to smoke. If you need a little extra help, it is ok. There are many things that you can do. One great way to make quitting easier is to quit with a friend, almost the buddy system.

The support there would be tremendous and it would help both of you out so much. Support from friends and family is key, ask those who smoke, not to smoke around you. If you don't see someone else do it you will be less likely to go out and smoke yourself. Attend cessation programs, check with your local library or adult center. Hospitals offer programs that you can sign up for. It is ok to use Nicorette gum or the patch. The main objective here is to quit once and for all.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

When is it a Good Time to Quit a Job?

There are good times and bad times for everything and that includes quitting a job. There have been studies that have shown that certain times of the year are actually very bad for quitting a job. You may not have realized that so much thought goes into quitting a job. Not only does the time of the year play a role in whether or not it is a good time to quit your job but also personal situations will affect your life as well.

It is hopefully obvious to everyone that quitting your job around the holidays is a bad idea. It is bad for the company you work for and bad for you because even though there are stores that are hiring, mostly are hiring for the holidays. No big companies or even office jobs are hiring during the holiday season. The winter is just not a great time to find work. Of course there are companies that are hiring but you may get some stiff competition from college graduates or kids home from college looking to make some money.

Summer time is better because, a lot of people quit their jobs in the warmer weather. Sure, the threat of college students is still there but there are more jobs around to choose from. Also, a good time to quit your job will also depend on what your financial situation is like. For example, if you cannot afford to pay the rent then a job change is not in the cards at that point in time. But if you have the means to stay afloat and pay your bills and you can afford to be out of work for a while then, it is ok to quit.

If you already have another job lined up like most people do before they quit then taking off two weeks before starting a job is acceptable. There are so many variables when it comes to quitting a job that you probably have never heard of before. You want to quit a job when the time is right. Don't just quit because the job is stressful, if you have been someplace a long period of time then seek some stress reliever techniques. If you are having some health issues contact your doctor and ask him to write a note so you can present it to your boss, they may be able to make some changes so that you don't have to quit.

The same goes for any problems you may be having such as problems with another employee or if you would like a raise, don't assume that these problems cannot be worked out. At least take a meeting with you boss or supervisor and see what can be worked out. If they cannot, they you can still walk out of that job with a recommendation and you can leave on good terms, which is always important down the road. You never know where the road can take you.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Quitting a Job and Your Benefits

The temptation to quit your job is present in millions of people. Some people act on that and others stick it out until they can no longer take it anymore. It sounds rather simply doesn't it? If you don't like something quit. But there are circumstances that can favor you quitting a job and then there are others that do not work in your favor. When a person decides to quit a job, they quit without thinking of the long-term effects. They usually wait for their last check and hope to find another job quickly.

But what about your benefits. Most people don't think about these things. For example if you quit a job, you will not receive unemployment. At the start of 99.9 percent of jobs, the employer will offer you a handbook. Make sure that you read the handbook before you decide to quit. In the handbook it will outline what you are and are not entitled to when you leave a job. If you receive stock options or profit bonus checks you will most likely lose those benefits.

Now, most companies don't offer such things so the only things that you will have to contend with are sick days and vacation days. If you have a 401k plan with your company, you are entitled to take the whole thing including the money that your boss has put in. You want to get any and all vacation and sick pay that you are entitled to.

So, read the fine print and see what you are entitled to. If you are not allowed to get paid for the vacation and the sick days after you quit. Most people take this time before they quit. If you have an idea that you want to quit and you have a weeks vacation left then take these days off. Then when you do quit, you will have gotten the vacation pay as well as the sick days before you left. The timing may not be what you wanted but if you are set on quitting that job then get the most from your benefits. You worked for them and you are entitled to them.

Some companies won't let you have them because they set it up that way as an incentive to stay. But employees are finding ways around that, just we mentioned. If an employee is not happy then they will leave and they will find a way to get their benefits, whether or not the company will give them or not. But it is your responsibility as an employee to know and understand what you need to know as far as what happens when you quit. Read the handbook and if you are not handed one when you are hired, ask for one.

You don't want to quit too soon either; sometimes a company will offer you full benefits even if you quit if you stay with the company for X amount of years.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How to Properly Quit a Job

Believe it or not there is actually a right way and a wrong way to quit a job. By the way you leave a jib could make a difference in how long it may take you to find another job, it you haven't already. The wrong way to quit a job is just to leave one day and never come back. What happens when you do this it can lose you any sick and vacation time that may be due to you. If you are involved in any profit-sharing program with the company you may have complications with that as well.

Another effect that can be caused by just getting up or leaving for the day is when you apply for another job, you will want to use that job as a reference. So by quitting the wrong way it may cost you a great recommendation. There are many situations where a jib becomes so unbearable that you cannot take it and your first instinct is to quit. But you want to make sure that you quit properly if only for your own benefit.

There are many different ways to quit a job. One of these ways would be to, put in two-week notice. The best way to do that would be to put t in writing. A two-week notice does not have to be a formal letter but it should include the reason why you are leaving and the date the two-week notice become effective. This way there is no confusion as to when you are leaving. A two-week notice is designed to help your employer more than it is to help you. It gives your boss two weeks to find someone else.

Sometimes, depending on what job you have, your boss may ask you to stay longer than originally agreed up on. It takes some time to hire someone else ad then to get them properly trained. The goal of quitting a job is to get another job because for some reason you don' like the one you have and the second is to get a recommendation from your boss or supervisor so you can get a better job.

You also want to get any sick or vacation time that is coming to you, so read the employee handbook or a rules sheet that you received when you started because it may say something about vacation and sick time. There may be a chance that you cannot receive the vacation days and sick time because you quit. Take a vacation before you actually quit a job. This way, you can use these days to help find a job and you still get paid for the time you are using.

Some things to remember when quitting a job, first, give a two-week notice, put it in writing if possible. Second, read the employee handbook and see what you are entitled to. Third, try to leave with a recommendation from your boss or supervisor. It could make all the difference.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What to say when you submit a resignation letter?

There really are right words to say to your boss when you decide to quit your job. The first thing you need to do is write the appropriate resignation letter. When you leave a job the ultimate goal is to leave on good terms and nit just up and quit. So the first step is to write a short and to the point resignation letter. Make sure you let them know in your letter that you will be giving a 2 week notice. Thank them for the opportunity for having worked there, put this in whether or not you hated every minute of it.

Next thing to do is date the letter the exact date two weeks before your last day. You can still give the letter to your boss before the date it comes effective. You may be hesitant to talk to your boss and you may be tempted to slide the letter under their door and run but that would not be professional. If your boss has a secretary ask her when would be a good time to see him and if they have a busy schedule make an appointment.

When you get into the office, simple hand the letter and say I am giving you my resignation. For some employers it may come as a surprise and unfortunately for others it may not. Then hand them the letter. The boss may not read it while you are there, but then explain you are giving your two week notice from whatever date you decided on. If you are feeling generous you can offer your services in training the replacement.

Most bosses if they are good bosses will ask you why you are leaving and at this point be honest but be professional. If you did not get along with someone say so but say just that, do not give details. If yo9ur boss is inclined to he or she may try to convince you to stay. That would be up to you, just because you wrote the letter doesn't mean you have to stick to it if your boss gives you an incentive to stay.

If nothing more can be done or said then simply stand up and say I really am Thankful for the opportunity you gave me and shake your boss's hand and walk out.

Friday, September 28, 2007

How to Quit your Job

There are two ways to quit your job, the right way and the wrong way. The right way would be to write a resignation letter or give an appropriate 2 week notice giving your employer two weeks to find a replacement. The wrong way would be to just quit and not come back. We will explain why these reasons are right and wrong.

The right way to quit all depending on your jib type is to send a resignation letter but if you work retail as a cashier or stock clerk then a letter really isn't necessary. Letters of resignation are for office jobs mostly. But the two week rule applies no matter what kind of jib you have because it is a matter of etiquette to give a two week notice. The most important thing when quitting your job is that you remain in good terms because if you don't have a job lined up you may need your boss or supervisor to give you a good recommendation.

By not giving that notice you could be jeopardizing future jobs because if you don't have a job lined up not only will you not get a reference but when a potential employer asks what you have been doing since your last job you have to mention that job and on applications they always ask if they can contact your last employer and if you say no they will want to know. It really isn't a good situation to in. It is ok if you want to look for something better for yourself but at least give them the courtesy of a two week notice.

The wrong way of quitting your job is just to go home at the end of the day and not come back or leave for lunch as some of us have done. This has the same repercussions of not giving a notice. You leave on bad terms and if you are owed a paycheck or sick days there may be something in your employee handbook forfeiting these benefits if you just walk off the job.

Unfortunately, we are in the age of people who sometimes have no regard for others. The employer and employee relationship has demonstrated that. But if you want that recommendation or any days that are owned to you do the right thing and write a letter or resignation or give a two week notice.

Friday, August 24, 2007

What should I use in my Resume

When you quit your job or in the process of quitting you will need that killer resume in order to get the job you want and to quit the job you have. Your resume should have your name and address and make sure you put a landline phone number on your resume. Most people put a cell phone instead because they want to get in touch with any place they go. The enthusiasm is good the reception in some places is bad and what if a potential new employer calls and you are in a place where reception isn't great. There is nothing more annoying to the caller than the receiver saying I can't hear you. It may make the employer change their minds. Always give a landline phone number.

The next thing that you should have on your resume is the last 4 jobs you have had. Do not list more than that. The reason being is that if you had more than 4 in the past year or so the employer may not hire you because you have had too many jobs, they really aren't interested in what job you had 5 or more years ago. With that thought in mind, make sure you keep you resume limited to one page.

Potential employers do not want to read a two page resume. Chances are if you have something on the second page and it is interesting the potential employer will not read it because most employers will not read a two page resume. They really only scan the resume anyway so make sure what they read is interesting and to the point. Only put in pertinent information, if one of your jib functions at your last jib was to make coffee, don't put that in.

Only put in relevant jib function that pertains to your day to day functions. Do not lie on your resume, do not embellish any skill, because if you put something on there and you really can't do it and the employer hires you based on that skill then chances are you are going to get fired and you have to start over again.

Never have the attitude that I don't have to know this because they will train me anyway. While it may be true, they expect you to have a basic knowledge of the task.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Things to remember when you quit

You may not think you need to remember anything except to make sure you clean out your desk when you leave, but that isn’t true. You need to remember that you need to leave that jib on good terms. You may be thinking why I am never going back. That would not be the reason you leave on good terms. You need to leave on good terms because in case you need a reference you can have your new potential job call the one who had and if you leave on good terms they will be more than happy to help you out.

Sometimes when you put that the new employer cannot contact the old they might anyway because they may be curious as to why the can’t. You also can’t quit on bad terms because if you are owed any overtime or any sick or vacation days you may get them easier if you part on good terms. By parting on good terms we mean giving a two week notice and handing in a polite two week resignation.

You also should remember that finding a new jib may not be that easy so make sure that you have a job lined up before you quit. Even if you can’t stand going to work day after day if you don’t have a job you can’t pay the bills. You need to remember rent, car insurance, bills, car payment and if you have children that should be enough reason in itself not to quit before you get a new job.

Remember your responsibilities and remember you need to have income coming in. If you have a husband or wife and they are working they support your decision to just quit without getting another job but don’t take advantage of that fact. If you do quit your job without a new one, then start looking for one right a way. Even though they are being supportive you can’t really take advantage because bills still need to be paid and to out the burden on your spouse it is not fair.

Overall, remember when quitting your job it is important to keep in mind your family, your bills and not to impulsively quit without getting a new job and to quit with proper notice and on good terms. It will help you in the long run.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Resignation Letters

When you decide you want to leave your current job, one of the best things you can do for yourself and for your employer is to write them a resignation letter. There are many different types of letters you can write. One letter is the simple and to the point letter. When writing your letter you should include

- Your name
- The Date of the Letter
- The Person to whom you are writing to
- Company name and address

Then a letter that reads something like this. Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from and then type in the company name and the date that you are leaving. Thank them for the years or months of employment and then let them know that you are giving a two week notice and then add if you could be any help in training your replacement you will be more than happy to do so. Then thank them again for the opportunity to work for them and then sign your name.

Or if you are not quite feeling so generous and friendly, you could write a letter that is simple and to the point. Use the header information as well as the company name and address but the body can be something simpler such as I hereby tender my resignation effective and then give the date and then sign the letter. This letter is short and sweet and to the point. This letter can be used if you haven't worked somewhere a long time or you are leaving because you did not get along with someone and there is friction then you still did the right thing and it wasn't too much.

Or you could use the same premise as far as the company information like address, address and whom you are giving it to and then write something like, Effective two weeks from this date I and resigning my position as and type in whatever that may be and then Thank them for the opportunity and sign the letter, but make sure you date it for it to become effective.

These resignation letters do not have to be a lengthy explanation to why you are leaving, the basics are that you are giving your resignation, the date it will be in effect and that you are giving a two week notice, you can put a Thank you for the opportunity if you wish. Then sign it and make sure you hand to the person who is supposed to get it.

Friday, May 18, 2007

How to deal with an angry Boss

If you have an angry boss then this may be one of the reasons why you are quitting. Dealing with a boss or manager that is hard to get along with can be a volatile situation. While you may like your job, is it worth coming in to work everyday and deal with someone who constantly makes your 8 hours of work unbearable.

For most people it can be, believe it or not if the person at work giving you a hard time is your boss or manager some people tend to stay because they have a good deal and the money is good. While it can be tempting to stay, it really is in your best interest to leave that job.

If you work for a big company ask for a transfer but chances are you won't get one unless the boss doesn't like you either. Then it is a win win situation. But if a transfer is not possible then the best thing to do is quit. We will explain why.

While it is never in the best interest to quit your job. We want to make it clear that before you quit you find a new job first. But by coming into a hostile work environment everyday should motivate you faster. Any way, what happens over time is that you spend 8 hours a day at this job and you are working for the one person who makes life hard there after some time it will weigh on you and you will begin to be hostile back to the boss and other co-workers who may not deserve it. What is worse is by working in that kind of situation all day you are guaranteed to bring that attitude home with you and you will take it out on your family which is never a good thing.

So before you have a hostile work and home situation, look for a new job. Write your letter or resignation and then give it to your boss.

If they ask why you are leaving explain you are not happy anymore and it is time for you to move on. If the boss doesn't like you, then handing in that letter won't be a problem and he or she will let you know they appreciate your work and they will wish you luck and you politely replay Thank You, you too.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Advice on Changing Careers

Most people if they had planned the right way are ready to leave one job for another. There are many people who do that and then realize they made too many changes a little to fast. So what can you do to lessen the blow of leaving one job and then beginning another.

One of the first things you should do is to be prepared by not quitting one job without having another job. This way it alleviates the pressure of rushing around and panicking when you can't pay the rent because you impulsively quit your job. We know the temptation is there sometimes to just walk away and think I will have no trouble finding a job but the truth is chances are unless you left on good terms you will not get a recommendation from your old job.

Be smart and you will be Ok.

Once you have decided to quit your job that is when you can begin looking for a new job. The beauty of looking for a new job while still working is that you still have money coming in. Once you have interviewed and they call you that you got the job. They will ask you when you can start. You want to take a week off between jobs so explain that you need to give a two week notice and you need a week to tie up lose end. Chances are they will have no problem giving you that time. It will also look good to them that you are considerate of your job to give them a 2 week notice. It does show character.

The next thing you need to do is write a letter or resignation and give it to your boss as soon as possible. Because the letter of resignation should have the two week notice in it and it will be effective from the date you give it to your boss. You want to make sure that you give them 2 weeks plus have that week off in between.

Planning is half the key, if you plan the right way you can successfully switch jobs without any type of stress and you can make everyone happy. Your old jib will get two weeks to replace you, you get a week off to relax and unwind before starting a new job and your new job will get a fresh, rested new employee.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

How to Write Your Resignation Letter

You have heard the old adage, "Don'tt burn any bridges." This is the most important idea to keep in mind when resigning from a job. Whether you love your current job and are leaving for a better opportunity, or you hate your present position and are fleeing to save you sanity, be sure to be polite, discreet, and mature when tendering your resignation. Your current employer will appear on your resume for years to come, and you never know when you may need a recommendation or a favor from a former boss. Remember, you build a professional reputation through your actions and behavior.

There is no need to write a dissertation. Simply construct a brief, concise note that covers all the bases. Here are a few suggestions:

Get right to the point. Start off the letter by stating your intention to resign and by mentioning your acceptance of another offer or other reason for leaving, such as moving cities.
Be sure to say when your last day of employment will be. It is common courtesy to give two weeks notice before ceasing employment.

You may wish to mention that the offer you have accepted is for a position that fits better with your personal preferences or career goals.

You should also thank your employer for the opportunity to work for his/her organization. After you start your new job, you may wish to send a letter to your former boss and coworkers with your new contact information, so that they can keep in touch and remain a part of your network.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Q&A: I'd like to quit my job, but how can I tell my boss?

Q: My annual review meeting with my boss is next week. I want to go, but I'm afraid to say anything.
Lately work has been a huge drag and I know it's time to go. I've been at this office for 4 years now. Pay is good, but promises of advancement have been broken or deferred time and time again. I have plenty of other work opportunities elsewhere and, actually, I have plans to leave this joint and start my own thing. The problem is, as things get worse, I'm also more "needed here". Moreover, I've really built a good circle of friends here. Do I mention that I am seriously considering leaving in hopes that things may change, or just be quiet and just bail when the time is right?

A: Our first advice is to resolve for yourself what is important to YOU. Write down 101 things you love (EVERYTHING and ANYTHING); look "above" that list for patterns and really important stuff.
Second (and here's the tricky part), we humans will CHOOSE to stay in simmering low-grade pain until the pain is unbearable--but not sooner. In other words, if you don't make an effort for yourself toward actually LEAVING, you'll probably stay in your shitty job for years (because the fear of leaving, with all of its risks and unknowns, is worse than the pain of staying). In order to leave, we need to make a contract with ourselves before we do so with our bosses. You need to make an "irrevocable choice".

Here's what you do: Figure out what's important. Then when you've sorted that out, walk to your boss and say, "I'll be leaving here in one year." Holy shit, it's done! Fear will come and go--you may not even know today how you're gonna leave your old job (not to mention getting a NEW ONE!) But now everyone is aware of your intentions (INCLUDING YOURSELF!). You are now on a "irrevocable path", one that will help you and move you toward actually leaving.
First, most bosses will appreciate an exit strategy rather than just quitting. Many will actually help you through your transition. A good boss knows that a good ext plan is good for everyone involved. Hope this helps.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Think before your Quit.!

Perhaps you started a business or made some good investments. The money is starting to pour in. Now it’s time to quit your job right?

If this is you, follow this rule:
Go One Year without cashing a paycheck from your job.


After having a year under your belt you’ll know if you can survive the ups and downs of your new venture. I’ve never seen one that produces the exact same amount of money every month like a job. They all fluctuate.

In that one-year’s time you’re not spending your paychecks. Put them in the bank. Then you’ll have money to fall back on if you need it.
Too many people I know leave their day jobs too early only to regret it a few months later. Don’t put yourself in this situation.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tips on how to write a resignation letter gracefully

Here are some quick tips to help you write a resignation letter and resign gracefully.

Here's How:
1. Date your resignation letter to officiate your day of notice.
2. Address your resignation letter directly to your immediate manager or supervisor.
3. State what your are resigning, such as the title of your position.
4. State when your last day of work will be (typically a Friday), providing sufficient notice per company policy. Two full weeks are standard, but your company may require more.
5. Proofread it and make corrections.
6. Sign it.
7. Submit your resignation letter to your immediate manager or supervisor.8. Keep a copy for your records.

1. Type your resignation letter in a standard business letter format.
2. Its sole purpose is to officially document your dates of resignation and notice. Keep it simple and positive. Avoid unnecessary statements and defending yourself, voicing opinions or settling scores.
3. Before you submit it, make sure you've discreetly prepared to leave. You may be escorted off the premises shortly after you give notice.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Free Resignation Letters Are Hot, Since 1999

Seems like more and more people visit this site every day. I would say that since 1999, has provided free resignation letters to 1 million +, at least. Amazing, considering that I started this site to originally allow people to actually email their boss a resignation letter. But, I never got around to making it work.

So, have you used our resignation letters? Has helped you? I'd love to hear from you. Please email info (at) if you want to leave some feedback, thanks!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Advice on Choosing a College

Depending on what type of career you have or what you want to end up doing, choosing a college can be extremely difficult. You should investigate lots of different colleges and make sure that you choose the perfect one that will best meet your career goals. There are many things that you should consider when trying to make the choice.

Location. You should decide if you want to attend a local college or one that will require you to relocate. An alternative option would be to enroll in an online college, which would allow you to work from a computer anywhere.

Environment. What type of environment do you want to be in? Would you prefer a rural, suburban, or urban setting to attend college in? This decision will affect which type of school you should search for.

Programs. When trying to choose the college that is right for your career, you should look closely at the programs of study that each college offers. Some colleges may not offer the exact program that you are looking for, which will help you narrow down your choices.

Staff. You should look into the staff at the college you are considering. You should see what qualifications each staff member has to offer their students and what type of professional certification they have obtained.

Accreditation. The school that you choose should be accredited. This is something you should find out before you enroll because you could regret your decision if you find out later that you will not be obtaining an accredited degree. This could negatively affect your career and leave you feeling frustrated and lost.

Monday, January 23, 2006

How to Get Started Taking Classes Now

So you've decided to go back to school and earn an advanced degree. You've thought about the online environment, but are not sure how to get yourself started. Here's how you can be a part of it.

The Preliminaries
The first thing you need to do is to find out which online degree programs are available for you in your desired discipline. A simple keyword search will give you a comprehensive list of all of the online degree programs that you can choose from. The great thing about the online environment is that you can apply for your program and get your acceptance from the comfort of your computer. Send in your application and get approval much faster than through the traditional campus route. Once you have been accepted to your program, you will be given all of the information that you need to begin your program.

The Nuts and Bolts
Taking classes through the online environment holds a variety of special benefits that go above and beyond the traditional campus route. You will be able to complete your academic requirements at your own pace without sacrificing your personal and professional obligations. You will simply log onto your class from the comfort of your own home and follow the activities and instruction step by step. You will also have access to a virtual environment of supportive professors, counselors, and cohorts that will give you the help you need to be successful. Once you get used to the way the online environment works, you will gain confidence and momentum by the day.

Working and Going to School: Making Them Both Work

You want to go back to school to get an advanced degree but you're not sure how you can do it and continue to satisfy the responsibilities of a full-time job. You can do and here's how.

The Online Answer
The arrival of online education has been the answer to the prayers of millions of full-time working professionals. The online degree environment holds a variety of excellent benefits over the traditional campus route. Not only can you take the courses that will help you in your present career, but you can do so without sacrificing your professional responsibilities. The online degree program allows you to complete your academic requirements at your own pace and in the comfort of your own living room. You also have the benefit of a virtual support system of professors, counselors, and fellow classmates to keep you going when the going gets tough.

Get Started Today
A quick keyword search on the Internet will give you a variety of programs that will allow you to work and go to school at the same time. Once you've found the degree program that interests you, you can apply online and be accepted much faster than you would through the traditional campus route. Once you've been accepted, you will receive correspondence form your school telling you exactly what you need to do to begin your classes. From that point, you will be a part of the online education community and well on your way to earning that advanced degree that will give you the edge in your profession.

Will Your Job Pay for Your Degree?

One of the chief concerns of professionals who consider earning an advanced degree is how to fund the venture. Believe it or not, there are ways that you can get your employer to foot the bill for you.

The world of advanced education has gone through several changes in the last ten years. Financial aid options have improved a great deal allowing students to earn a degree that might not have been able to afford it. Another big change is the introduction of employee funded education. Many employers will now assist their employees in getting an advanced degree.

Your organization stands a lot to gain by offering you financial help in earning your degree. When you reach that next academic plateau, you will be a much more valuable commodity for your boss. You will have the experience and credentials to take on more responsibility around the office.

In order to find out if your employer will foot the bill for your education, the first step is to simply ask. Approach your boss and explain your intentions as well as what the company stands to gain through such a financial arrangement. Or you can check with your human resources department for any financial aid programs that might already be in place. Also check with other employees to see if they have received support for their educational aspirations. With a little detective work, you will be able to determine if you can expect some financial support to help you increase your academic standing.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

What If the Boss Catches You Going to School?

You've started a great new program that will result in an advanced degree in your field. But you're concerned about your boss and what he will say when he discovers that you're in school. Don't worry!

One of the biggest concerns of professionals who are trying to earn their degree while working a full-time job is that the boss will eventually find out. Many worry that the boss won't be so understanding. This is a legitimate concern for many student professionals. But the truth of the matter is that the boss could be, and should be, impressed by this level of commitment of his employee.

If the boss catches you with a nose in the books, make sure that it's not on the company time. This will give any boss a bad impression of your efforts and might get you a pink slip to boot. Study and complete your academic obligations on your own time.

But if your boss catches wind of your intentions through the grapevine, explain to him that you are going back to school in order to earn an advanced degree and increase your value to the company. Your boss will respect this decision and keep an eye on your for bigger and better things. He might even give you increased responsibilities within the organization if he perceives your efforts will benefit him in the future. Doing the double duty of earning your degree while satisfying your professional responsibilities will speak volumes for you as a person.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Don't Be Afraid to Get More Training

In the dog eat dog world of your profession, there's no better way to improve your position than to get your advanced degree. And it's not the daunting task that you may think that it is. You can do it!

There are several great reasons why you should go back to school and earn an advanced degree. Not only will it improve you on a personal level, but it will give you an impressive set of credentials that you can use to earn a promotion or seek a better job altogether. But the key to reaching your goals is to believe that you can do it.

Benefits to Advanced Training

Become an Expert. An advanced degree in your field will make you an expert in whatever discipline you choose. There are several programs that will give you an edge in your profession that employers are desperately looking for from employees.
Pad Your Bank Account. Of course, the ultimate reason that anyone gets an advanced degree is to increase their level of pay. Earning a masters degree, for example, will make you eligible for a raise that is dependant on reaching that next level of professional and academic experience.

Finding Your Motivation

Study What You Love. The best way to gear yourself up for the task of earning an advanced degree is to find a college program that teaches you the ins and outs of the field you are most passionate about.

Study What You Know. If you have a respectable level of experience in a particular field, you will find that earning an advanced degree in that field will be much easier.

The truth of the matter is that the only thing that is keeping you from earning an advanced degree and all of the accolades that come with it is you. Once you break past that initial apprehension, the sky is the limit.

Which Comes First: Quit My Job or Get a Better Degree?

Perhaps you are sitting at your desk entertaining the thought of going back to school. But the question remains. Should you quit your job first or should you send in that program application.

There's no doubt that increasing your level of education is a good move to make for your career. But it might not be such a good idea to quit your job before you do. In fact, there's a good chance that you can have your cake and eat it, too. Here are both sides of the coin before you make your decision.

Quitting Your Job: The Risk Factors

Out in the Lurch. Quitting your job might free up more time to concentrate on your studies but it will leave you without a steady salary to pay your bills.
Breaking Your Stride. Another consideration to keep in mind is that quitting your job will break any career momentum that you may have built up.

The Best of Both Worlds

Income and Education. If you can somehow manage to juggle the two, earning an advanced degree while working will improve your potential as well as keep your income coming in.

Online Answers. An online program is a great way to manage both aspects of your life. An online program will allow you to earn your degree at your own pace without compromising your personal or professional responsibilities.

There is no denying that going to school and working full time will be a difficult task to realize. But nobody said that improving your position would be easy. If you play your cards right, you can earn that advanced degree while you are working and ready yourself for that next career step.

Monday, December 19, 2005

I Lost My Job Because I Didn't Have a College Degree

Maybe you got hired right out of high school by a big company, and kept getting promoted. You thought about going back to school, but demands of the job and family made it easy to put off getting that degree. However, now you’ve been forced to deal with a new situation. Perhaps your company was acquired by another company. Perhaps all the employees were reevaluated, and those in managerial positions without a college degree were let go.

Earning an Online Degree
As depressing as it might seem at first, this is finally the right time to get that degree you always thought about. If you have to take a "maintenance" job just to make ends meet, consider getting a degree from an accredited online institution at the same time. You can study when it's convenient for you. Accredited online institutions across the country offer Associate, Bachelor and Master degrees in many subjects that suit your interests and abilities..

It might take a bit longer to earn that degree, with your busy schedule, plus job and family demands. Don't worry about the time it takes; just enjoy the opportunity to study subjects you've always wanted to know more about. And think about the end result. When you finally start interviewing for a new, career-track job, you’ll have something you didn't have in your old job - a new degree and more respect for yourself and your ability to get ahead.

Getting a New Career after Being Fired

So you've been fired from you job. You're in good company; thousands of Americans get fired each year, from both big and small companies. It may hurt your professional dignity, but it's not the end of the world. As the saying goes, when one door closes, another opens. Being fired means you're ready for a new job, which, in most cases, can be a better job.

Online Education for a New Career
Unfortunately, the bills don’t stop coming even though the paychecks have. So it may be necessary to get a new job to pay those bills. This new job may not be a career job, however. Getting a new job to further your career may mean that you have to arm yourself with additional education. An online education may be the best way to go, in terms of your lifestyle and schedule. You can study during the hours you're not working, rather than worry about class schedules. If you're a night owl, you can take exams at night, or early in the morning, if that suits you. The end result will be a new degree and the chance for a new and better career.

The point is, with stiff competition in the workplace and with many applicants vying for the same position, the one getting hired may be the applicant with both the experience and education to fit the bill. With that newly earned online education, that new hire could be you.

Friday, December 02, 2005

New Job after Resigning Job

Once you've quit your job, your professional life is an empty canvas once again. If you haven't already found a new job, this is the time to search for the ideal job or go back to school to get that degree you've always wanted.

Knowing you wrote professional resignation letters can ease any guilt you might feel about leaving your boss or company in the lurch. Don’t worry about that - even the President of the United States can only stay in office for eight years. No one is indispensible.

Online Education
If you've decided to return to school, it's not necessary to attend campus if it doesn't fit in with your schedule. If you've taken a "maintenance job" just to make ends meet, an online education may fit in perfectly with your needs. You can study and do coursework during the hours that best suit you, not the school, and you'll end up with a new degree.

This time off from a career-track job should also offer you time to think about your next job and what you really want. Talk to friends, former colleagues, and anyone else you can about what they like and don't like about their jobs. Their advice can help you decide what you want in your next job. With your improved education, good advice, and a clear vision of what you want in terms of a better career, chances are, you'll find it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Quitting Your Job? What's Next For Your Career?

For whatever reasons, you’ve decided to quit your job. Perhaps you’ve already found a better job. Perhaps you just can’t tolerate your boss anymore. Perhaps you’re bored silly by the end of the day.

Heed these reminders before you quit:

Be prepared. Think ahead about how you’re going to address this subject with your boss, so you don’t come across as overemotional.

Make sure it’s legal. If you signed documents at the beginning of your employment to give two weeks’ notice, be sure you do. Don’t quit one day and not show up the next.

Keep a cool head, Give your boss legitimate reasons, and write a professional resignation letter.

Reveal your reasons only if it benefits you. For example, say you got a better offer with more responsibilities. That sounds more positive than putting down your current situation in any way.

Try to get a good reference. If you address the situation professionally, chances are, your boss will be happy to provide you with a good reference and there will be no bad feelings afterwards.

What’s Next?
If your job was stressful, take a break. Take that vacation you were always too busy for, or visit a friend or relative. This may also be the time to go back to school and pursue an undergraduate or graduate degree in a related field or one that interests you. You’ll be much better prepared for that next job, with a better education to back you up.

Don't forget to check out our resignation letters.

Friday, November 04, 2005

New Opportunities For Women With A New Career

Times are changing rapidly, and opportunities for women to further their education are increasing. There was a time when women were expected to stay at home, while men were the breadwinners. At that time, there seemed little point in educating women beyond home and childcare skills.

Now that women are seen as intellectual equals and have proved their worth in the marketplace, many are seeking to improve their education. Some women leave high school and are anxious to start a job or a family as soon as possible. Later, they do not have the time or resources to study and hold a job or care for a young family at the same time.

Maybe you are one of them, but now you feel that your lack of education is holding you back from promotion, a management role, or more interesting work.

Adult Education
Adult education online could be the answer you are looking for. While the children are at school, you can study in peace and quiet. Many adult education programs are familiar with the demands placed on your time by childcare, so there are many part-time programs that are designed to be flexible.

More and more women are finding that the flexibility and quality of an online education is the key to achieving their ambitions. We have the technology, and the cost of computers and Internet access have fallen dramatically. Whether you work part-time, full-time, or have a young family to look after, there is no reason why you shouldn't join the rapidly growing number of women who have decided to improve their lives.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Satisfied In Your Current Job?

If you have been thinking about improving your earning potential and job satisfaction through adult education, you'll be joining a growing number of women who are glad they did. The opportunities available to you today are things that your mother and grandmother could only have dreamed about.

A U.S. Census investigated the educational achievement of a range of ages. Only eleven percent of 65+-year-old women enjoyed the benefits of a bachelor’s degree. Now, nearly thirty percent of young women benefit from this route, a two hundred percent increase over the last forty years.

Most of us are aware of the benefits that further education can bring. You could enjoy more interesting work, responsibility, promotion, job security, or a raise. A Bureau of Labor survey suggests that adult education could greatly improve your job satisfaction.

An Ideal Learning
Even if you are one of the many who went straight to work or decided to raise a family, adult education is widespread and freely available. Learning online is ideal for busy mothers or people who cannot take time out to study.

You can learn any time, anywhere. Some women find that they can concentrate better on web casts and tutorials when the children are in bed. Not many campus-based colleges can offer that! Every day, women are discovering the freedom offered by adult education and how it can improve their lives.

Why not join them - you'll be glad you did.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Education Impacts the Job

If you think of your education as an investment in your future, you can see why it is important to take advantage of every educational opportunity. In general, improving your education can help improve your salary and employability. The Bureau of Labor has found evidence that in certain cases, it is possible to earn twice as much with a bachelor's degree as with a high school diploma.

Job security is equally important, you may find that you are much less likely to be unemployed if you been educated to this level. Even if particular campus-based or online degrees are not specific to a particular role, many employers realize that many people who get degrees are fast learners and can apply themselves.

You may be one of those people who left high school to earn money as quickly as possible. Online degrees are a good way of getting back into education. Many schools offer part-time training, which makes it easier to study while spreading out the cost of school fees. Even if your current job means that you travel often, you will be surprised at just how much you can get done with the help of a laptop and Internet access! You need never miss a lesson.

The Cost of Knowledge
The other great advantage of online degrees is the cost. Online colleges can service more students with fewer overheads than a conventional campus-based college. These savings can be passed on in the form of lower tuition fees.

Overall, online degrees are an excellent option for nontraditional students who want the benefits of a traditional education.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Changing Environments, Changing Needs

Darwinism states that if life forms do not evolve according to their changing environment, they will become extinct. Very few people are trained for a job for life, and employers are constantly seeking new skill sets to improve performance, production, and bottom-line profitability.

If you want to be valuable in the job market, you need to show that you can adapt and learn new skills. During a period of economic growth, this is not so much a problem, but when the economy takes a downturn, and employers are cutting the size of their workforce, your best insurance policy could lie in your flexibility and training.

Further adult education could mean the difference between having a job and being unemployed, and now, it is easier than ever. Night school and correspondence schools have been replaced with more flexible online education.

If you are working full-time, sometimes it is difficult to see how you can fit further education in around a busy life. Online degrees can offer you the flexibility to work when you are able, while still earning an income.

This helps with tuition fees too, as some schools offer part-time online degrees. There is a tendency to retrain when there is a downturn in the economy, and many schools, especially campus-based ones, fill to capacity. Programs offering online degrees are very much more flexible.

Even if one program is full, you can enroll at another that is thousands of miles away. Survival in the job market requires flexibility, which is something that online degrees can offer.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Classic Resignation Letters Sample

This is a classic resignation letter. Short and to the point. Don't get fancy if you don't have to! Less is more in most cases.

Dear [Recipient's name]:

This letter is to formally announce my resignation from [company name],
starting today. My last day will be [two weeks from today].

It has been a pleasure to work for [company name]. Please let me know how I
can help to make a smooth transition during my remaining time here.


[Your Signature]

More on Automotive Technician Degrees

This is the second part in getting a new job through a new career: Automotive Technicians

The Road to Complex Systems
The first cars were fairly basic structures. Auto technology was in its infancy, and automotive enthusiasts had a long way to go before reaching the sleek aerodynamic lines and computer-controlled systems we now have. Today there are myriad systems on motorcars. Many have diagnostic functions, and others are designed to make the car run at peak performance according to variable conditions inside and outside the vehicle.

These systems are generally computer-based and need specialist attention to calibrate, fine tune, install, and repair them. The lowering cost of computer technology means that even the most basic vehicle model now has several of these computerized systems on board. This, combined with a trend to travel farther and more frequently means that the demand for auto technicians should be increasing, especially for those with an auto tech degree in a specific growth area.

Why an Auto Tech Degree?
The Bureau of Labor expects the increase in the population through the next decade to fuel demand for qualified automotive technicians. Your prospects of employment and pay are expected to be much better if you do hold a recognized qualification such as an auto tech degree. Another factor which could spur demand is the increase in popularity of motor racing. The falling cost of technology-based components has allowed this sport to become more affordable.

You will probably find that to keep up with the most current technology, you will need to undergo periodic retraining after your initial auto tech degree. But as long as you stay up-to-date on your training, your skills as an automotive technician could be in high demand.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Automotive Technician Degrees - Zoom, Zoom!

Man has always been thrilled by speed. Almost since the very first car was made, auto racing has been popular among spectators and drivers alike. Competitors have gathered to see who has the most powerful engine, the highest top speed, and most beautiful bodywork.

History of Auto Racing
While there have been many variations on themes such as banger racing, rallying, and drag racing, essentially the "first past the post" system works well and continues to be popular among enthusiasts. Races used to be held on beaches, deserts, salt flats, and dried up lakes before purpose-built facilities were created. Many famous racetracks today can trace their roots back to beginnings such as the Bonneville Salt Flats. Purpose-built tracks allowed higher speeds to be achieved more safely, and cars specifically designed for racing were then created by manufacturers in order to showcase their skills and raise their profile. This is still in evidence today, with some companies pouring millions into their teams.

How to Become an Automotive Technician
Accomplished automotive technicians have always been needed to fine tune engines for peak performance. If you want to work for a high-profile brand, then you'll need to be the best and prepare for some fierce competition. Some manufacturers even have their own automotive technician training schools specializing in one particular brand. Whichever school or auto tech degree you decide to opt for, you'll need to have a good problem solving mind, good attention to detail, have good math ability, and be able to interpret diagnostics equipment and diagrams. An auto tech degree can help you specialize your skills and enter the exciting, high-speed world of auto racing.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Work Sucks, You Know It, I Know It - Time To Quit!

Yes, work does in fact suck. You know as well as I do that you'd rather be on a beach someplace right now relaxing and not worrying about deadlines and all that nonsense. Well, we're here to help you quit your job.

Since 1999,! has been here offering you free resignation letters on how to quit your job in style. You can also get advice on quitting your job, visit our online education center to find a new job with a new career or learn about quitting smoking in our quit smoking blog.

Improved Prospects with a Accredited Online Education

Sometimes it is tempting to go straight from school to paid employment, and so miss out on further education. Though you may find this an attractive prospect, try and imagine what it might be like in ten years time with limited qualifications. A bachelor's degree can help you invest in your future and broaden your options.

There are many reasons why people do not further their education. Perhaps the school fees are an issue, or maybe you don't have the time, or maybe you don't have a good school nearby. With accredited online education, all these problems are swept aside. You can learn as quickly or as slowly as you please to fit in around employment or a fast-track program. Many accredited online education institutions offer split-payment options while you study. Some people argue that an online college is not as good as a campus-based one.

With an accredited program, that is not true, since the school must meet requirements for the quality of its teaching and learning materials. Maybe you have a young family to look after, are geographically isolated or physically disabled, or you are a frequent business traveler. With online education these present much less difficulty. If you have Internet access and the will to succeed, a bachelor's degree could be within your reach!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

An accredited online education creates a positive effects on your career

Most people are aware of the positive effects further education typically has on salary and promotion. You may even have chosen a particular program to improve your employment prospects, but how do you choose where to go study?

Accredited Education - There is a whole host of educational institutions competing with each other. Some may be looking for the brightest students, while others may simply be in it for the money. Some programs are neither academically rigorous nor recognized, so beware! Accredited online education assures you that the school satisfies specific educational requirements.

Advantages of Accredited Online Education
There are several advantages offered by online colleges. For one, they do not have to provide classrooms, which need maintaining, and so the overheads for accredited online education are much lower than for campus-based schooling. Campus-based colleges have to limit the number of students they can have at any time due to the capacity of the buildings and considerations such as staff-to-pupil ratios or fire regulations. Online colleges do not have to factor these things into their fees.

The Flexibility of Accredited Online Education
As well as the economic advantages offered by this method of learning, there are several other advantages too. If you work full- or part-time, you can still study concurrently. This may give you more financial flexibility to meet course fees. If you work during the day, or are geographically isolated or physically disabled and cannot get to a campus, again, accredited online education programs can solve this problem very easily.

No matter what your situation may be, accredited online education can offer you an affordable solution for your educational needs.

Friday, September 30, 2005

I Hate This Job & You Too Resignation Letter

As printed in the! resignation letter zone.

Dear [Recipient's name]:

Yesterday I woke up and realized that this is the worst career experience I've ever had. Therefore, I'm officially notifying you of my resignation from [company name]. My last day will be today.This company has many problems. [insert problems here]

On top of that, I can't stand to work for you any longer. You, alone, have been a constant source of pain and suffering for me ever since I started this job. I can't understand how you made it this far in the professional community.

Today is a great day for me. I will never have to see, hear or listen to you ever again. Goodbye, and good-riddance!

Warmest Regards,

[Your Signature]

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Get A Job Blog at!

Welcome to the Get A Job Blog at!!, helping you quit your job & quit smoking both together since 1999!